About us

" I serve as an icon of a new generation of women and leaders, as for a renewed society of genius, virtue and understanding.

Once you get that you are part of the source of Creation, you can fully start to enjoy your life, use your power for good and acknowledge others.

You don't have anymore competitors as you are, and we all are, The ONE - unique, precious gifts to this world.

Let's team up to unravel those mysteries, as for a planetary dance of love, joy, trust, justice and dignity.  

We devote to lead by example.

To being lead by Love, the ultimate reality.

I am delighted and honored to welcome you here.

I can be your  your guide, your shelter and your mentor.

Together, we can make a whole new-ancient world appear.

With many blessings,

Xxx. " 

Célia Marie
Artist - Performer, Choreographer, Writer
Intimacy, Wealth & Wisdom Catalyst

Media biography

Célia Marie is an Artist, Wisdom & Wealth Catalyst

Founder of The ONE Company, she serves as "the icon of a new generation of women and leaders, as for a renewed society of genius, virtue and understanding". 

She "supports leaders, creators and pioneers to dive into joy and playfulness and fully embrace the natural flow, creative ease and abundant prosperity of their lives, so they can contribute significantly in establishing together a New Planetary Civilization of Oneness".

After completing a double Master degree in Political Science, International Cooperation and Humanitarian Action (Paris Panthéon Sorbonne, Sciences Po Lyon - France & Melbourne University - Australia) and traveling the world defending human rights in Asia, South-America and Africa, she engaged in an even deeper transformation journey, within.

Her experience of
tantra, chamanism, sacred places and alchemical relationships revealed to her the path towards awakening fully to her Self, which is at the core of her project - The ONE Co. 

She started to work as a Consultant-facilitator & Executive Coach in big corporations, specializing in innovation, strategic foresight and collective intelligence in the luxury sector. She has been collaborating with public agencies, universities and businesses so as to generate the conditions for learning, team building and cooperation in France.

Then she launched a Foundation for a new Civilization project along with networks of 500+ Universities, 3000+ researchers & 120+ cutting-edge leaders worldwide, including at organizations such as the Learning Planet Institute, the French National Space Agency or the Global Ecovillage Network, which The ONE Company is now the byproduct, accelerator and catalyst.

Célia envisions the possibility for all people in the world to remember our unity, reconnecting to their true nature
and finding a way to contribute.

She mentors leaders, creators and pioneers to "carve their own paths, walking the sacred door of their Hearts to reveal the ultimate reality of Heaven on Earth, aka. our Oneness and eat delightfully and responsibly its marvelous fruits".

Our values

















Devote to lead by example.